EMP Defense Blog

Do Lightning Rods Work? Here's the Inside Scoop

Written by EMP Defense | Jul 11, 2023 1:00:00 PM

Do Lightning Rods Work? Here's the Inside Scoop

Nature’s raw power is fascinating, and few phenomena showcase its abilities as vividly as a thunderstorm. With such strength, it’s natural for us to seek ways to protect ourselves and our valuable assets from the devastating effects of lightning strikes – enter the lightning rod.

The lightning rod seems like a fantastic invention, as they divert lightning away from structures. But how well do they really work? Is there a different invention that works better? We’re here to uncover the truth and answer, “Do lightning rods really work?” 


What Is a Lightning Rod?


Lightning rods, sometimes called lightning conductors, are metal rods designed to protect buildings and structures from the destructive power of lightning strikes. They work on the principle of providing a preferred path for lightning to flow, diverting it away from the structure it’s installed on.


Typically, a lightning rod consists of a conductive metal rod or rods placed at the highest point of a building connected to a network of conductors extending into the ground. When lightning strikes, the rods provide a low-resistance path for the electrical charge to follow, allowing it to safely discharge into the ground. As a result, the structure is protected from potential damage caused by the intense heat and electrical currents associated with lightning strikes.


How Well Do Lightning Rods Work?


When properly installed and maintained, lightning rods can significantly reduce the risk of damage to property caused by lightning strikes. But lightning storms are powerful and unpredictable forces of nature, so it’s difficult to offer 100% protection. 


The effectiveness of a lightning rod depends on several factors, including the design and installation of the system, as well as the specific conditions during a lightning event. Instances where lightning rods fail can occur for various reasons, such as inadequate grounding or severe weather conditions surpassing the system's capacity. Additionally, extremely powerful lightning strikes, such as direct hits, can overwhelm even the most robust lightning protection systems. 


It's important to note that while lightning rods offer a high level of protection, they do not guarantee absolute safety or eliminate the risk of lightning-related damage entirely. The unpredictable nature of lightning and extreme weather conditions can sometimes exceed the capacity of the system. Plus, lightning strikes can occur outside the protected zone or take unconventional paths during a storm, potentially causing some damage.


Is There a Solution That's Better Than Lightning Rods?


Yes – you’ll be thrilled to learn that there is a solution that takes lightning protection to the next level and exceeds the effectiveness of lightning rods. The answer is lightning suppression systems.


What Is a Lightning Suppression System?


A lightning suppression system, also known as a lightning protection system, is a comprehensive set of measures and devices designed to mitigate the risk of damage caused by lightning strikes. Unlike lightning rods that primarily provide a path for lightning to follow, a lightning suppression system aims to prevent lightning strikes from occurring in the first place. 


How Well Do Lightning Suppression Systems Work?


When properly installed and maintained, lightning suppression systems have proven highly effective in preventing damage caused by lightning strikes. These systems provide a comprehensive approach to lightning protection, aiming to prevent or divert lightning strikes and safeguard structures and their occupants.


At EMP Defense, we offer the most effective lightning suppression system on the market. Our CMCE Lightning Suppressor is effective against lightning and other electromagnetic pulses and is the only device preventing lightning from developing within its spherical area of protection. We have not reported strikes in over 15 years, positioning our lightning suppressor as the new global lightning protection standard.


Here’s how our CMCE Lightning Suppressor works:


  • It absorbs charges that appear in the surrounding electromagnetic field.
  • It arranges charges internally based on their natural form.
  • It creates a controlled flow of leakage current in harmless milliamperes through the ground wire to the earth..
  • When the electric field changes, provoked by variations in the surrounding environment, the CMCE reacts by absorbing and draining excess charges into the ground. This process eliminates upward streamers and prevents lightning development within the device's coverage radius.


What's the Main Difference Between Lightning Rods and Lightning Suppressors?


While lightning rods focus on providing a path for lightning to follow and diverting it away from structures, lightning suppressors employ various techniques to prevent or suppress the formation of lightning strikes altogether. Lightning rods offer a reliable pathway for lightning to follow, while lightning suppressors attempt to eliminate or reduce the occurrence of lightning strikes in a targeted area.


So, would you rather just push away a dangerous threat? Or eliminate the threat from existing altogether? We know our choice – lightning suppression.


Invest in the Best Lightning Protection


Are you looking for the ultimate protection against the devastating effects of lightning strikes? Look no further than EMP Defense, the leading experts in cutting-edge lightning suppression systems. With our unparalleled expertise and state-of-the-art technology, we provide unmatched solutions that ensure the safety and security of your valuable assets.


Our systems go beyond traditional lightning rods, incorporating advanced technologies that proactively prevent lightning strikes or divert them away from critical areas. Don't compromise on protection—trust EMP Defense to deliver exceptional lightning suppression solutions that provide peace of mind. Contact us today and discover why we are the trusted choice for safeguarding against lightning strikes.